Advertising Optimization and Creation Considerations

Advertising creation precautions:

1. To preview the advertisement, ask yourself if you would be attracted by this advertisement while scrolling through your phone.

2. Regarding bidding, it is recommended to use automatic bidding.

3. The test budget should be equal to the customer unit price.

4. The material requirements are high-quality and simple and clear. It is recommended to use carousels or first image videos plus product detail feature display images.

5. Choose the appropriate location, including the M side and PC side. Do not select locations other than fb/ig newsfeed. For products such as mobile accessories, only choose the M side.

6. In the early stage, the positioning should be accurate, accumulate seed users to improve the advertising score, and the audience in the range of 100K-1M is more appropriate.

7. In the early stage, choose the Conversion Event as Add to Cart, and then switch to Purchase after accumulating a certain amount.

8. The text should be concise, stating the price, product features, and activities, allowing customers to quickly decide whether to buy.

9. Do not accelerate normal advertising.

10. Use 'Use Existing Post' for the same advertisement, cumulate in the same advertisement, or run a small budget PPE cumulatively.

11. Set up automatic optimization rules to prevent ads from going off track.

12. There are too many A/B tests that can be conducted. Firstly, focus on testing the main products. Conclusions can be drawn from an advertisement that purely showcases products in one country.

13. For brands with high customer unit prices entering the market for the first time, it is recommended to target new users with content or soft articles. For existing users, direct response or promotional advertisements can be used.

14. Use daily unique reach to prevent users from seeing the same ad too many times.

Advertising Optimization:

1. Make assessments when the display volume reaches over 100,000 or has been live for one day.

2. Ads targeting the e-commerce markets in Europe and America are unstable. It is advisable to reduce advertising on Fridays and promptly lower the budget on weekends.

3. Look at the ROI; spending should not exceed the customer unit price. A new site is judged based on an ROI of 2.

4. When spending has not reached the customer unit price, you can look at CPM. Generally, a conversion rate of 5% is already quite high.

5. If the CTR is high but the ROI is low, consider optimizing the checkout process, landing page, and price. For e-commerce ads, the focus should primarily be on ROI.

6. If the ROI is acceptable but the CPM is high, consider optimizing the material to increase CTR.

7. Ads or popular products may experience fatigue. If costs suddenly increase, consider changing materials or coordinating with marketing activities.

8. When optimizing ads, it is best to make adjustments before starting to spend the budget in the morning, and if the ads are relatively stable, try not to make further adjustments.

9. When the number of users exceeds 1000, consider creating remarketing ads.

10. If the ads remain stable, consider increasing the budget, with a stable growth of up to 20% per day.

Little Suggestions:

1. Make effective FB and INS ads.

2. Optimize ads to lower costs.

3. Reduce CPA.

4. Increase sales without changing the budget.

Dry Cargo

1. Fast Takeoff Strategy

This technique is called FTO - Fast Takeoff. It has three main benefits:

See results faster

Collect more data to optimize ads

Quickly determine if the ad is successful

The operating steps are as follows:

When launching a new ad, increase the daily or total budget by 200% to 500%.

Do not select 'Accelerated Delivery,' as Facebook focuses on speed rather than quality and cost.

Once the ad impressions reach 10,000+, start analyzing the results to determine if the ad meets the requirements.

Within 48 hours, you can achieve these results without having to wait five days or longer. Afterwards, you can adjust the budget back to the original planned amount. It is important to remember to allow at least 24 hours for the ads to optimize.

2. Optimize for Conversions

If your ads aim to achieve sales goals, conversions are always the ultimate goal. By setting conversions as the optimization goal, Facebook will optimize the ads for the best conversion results.

3. Optimize Ad Likes and Shares

When you want to use the same creatives in different ads, you can take the following actions:

When creating ads, use the 'Use Existing Post' option, all post interactions will accumulate within the same ad.

4. Optimize Ad Bidding

In practice, there is not much difference between auto bidding and manual bidding. If you know the value of each conversion, you can set manual bidding slightly below the expected ROI. Keep in mind that Facebook will never let you bid too high, your costs will always be lower than your bid, with actual spend only slightly higher than your competitors' bids.

5. Set Ad Scheduling

Your ads do not always provide value at all times. Check the ad reports to determine the results for each day and time period. Use this information to schedule ads to run only during valuable time periods.

6. Effective Management of Ad Frequency

When running long-term large-scale ads, you may encounter ad fatigue issues. To address this problem, you can set up multiple sets of creatives, rotate them weekly, and run them at different times of the day.

7. Optimize Ad Placements

According to data, the cost per click for different Facebook ad placements can differ by up to 550%. However, low click costs do not necessarily mean low conversion costs. Therefore, when evaluating ads, focus on the cost of each result, not just the cost per click or cost per view.

With these strategies and tips, you can enhance the effectiveness of Facebook ads and achieve better ad ROI.