How to Properly Conduct Independent Site Advertising Placement

1. Determine the form of advertising display

Advertising is just a marketing tool, but the way of advertising needs to be well grasped. Advertising has different display forms such as static ads, dynamic ads, carousel, etc., which have a very positive effect on the sales of target groups, and will bring certain sales volume to the sellers. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the advertising area, keyword matching and differences in placement devices.

2. Choose the appropriate advertising placement

Selectively place advertisements, don't blindly output. In the details of advertising, analysis and characteristics of one's own products must be cautious, so the focus should be on the choice of advertising. There are also advertising skills, through the analysis of products and user groups, understanding another optimized experience of the product, and also comparing with other peer stores to prevent plagiarism and duplication.

3. Integrate online and offline advertising placements

Before conducting advertising placements, it is necessary to optimize the online website, attract more exposure through bidding promotions. You can also try big data analysis on target audiences with similar product interests, and push product information to the audience. Offline activities need to be promoted in a targeted manner to establish visibility.

4. Set up advertising for different groups

By setting up different groups, product advertising can be more accurate, and the product placement effect can be better. What's even better is that by observing the advertising placement of other different groups through data, it is convenient to convert it in time, and there will not be too much loss.