How to optimize email content?

Personalized Email Content

Faced with uniform content, people find it hard to sustain interest, and the email templates you use are often used by many people, which easily leads to consumer aesthetic fatigue.

Therefore, you need to personalize email content based on detailed information about the user, including their shopping journey stage, age, gender, country, etc., so that users can feel more involved when browsing.

Keep it Concise

Consumers have very limited patience, especially when faced with promotional information, so you need to ensure that your content is concise and to the point as much as possible.

It is best to control the text content to around 160 words, with a maximum of not exceeding 500 words. Through testing, this is the longest content consumers can accept before the click-through rate drops.

Use CTA with Caution

Although CTA can guide consumer behavior, if your article is filled with CTAs, it is not only difficult to highlight key information but also easily causes consumer aversion, thereby affecting the final direction of action.

The number of CTAs included in an email should not exceed 3, and only one key CTA should be retained.

Matching Category Style

Your promotional emails should match the style of the category you have chosen, preferably using brand colors and adding the brand logo. This makes it easier for consumers to recognize your brand and also deepens the brand impression in consumers' minds.

A/B Testing

Which elements are effective, what content consumers like, which content has a high bounce rate - all these answers need to be found through A/B testing.

Because different consumer groups have different preferences, you need to adjust and optimize email content based on specific email data to achieve increasingly ideal email marketing results.

Detail Optimization

Streamline Conversion Paths

In general, the longer the conversion path, the higher the probability that consumers will abandon the purchase because consumers may abandon the process at any stage.

Therefore, what you need to do is streamline the conversion path, such as offering options like guest checkout and purchase without logging in.

Sending Time

The probability of consumers opening and clicking on emails sent at different times is different. The best time to send B2C marketing emails is during lunchtime and in the evening rest time, as during these times, consumers are more likely to browse or place orders.

During working hours, although the open rate may be more ideal, emails are often put aside and then forgotten.

Mobile Experience

With the popularization of mobile devices, the user experience on mobile devices is becoming increasingly important.

You need to ensure that your email content can be displayed well on mobile devices, especially images.

Avoid Sending Excessive Emails

Except for holidays, the frequency of sending marketing emails should not be too frequent, with intervals preferably over a week.

Frequent sending of promotional emails not only significantly reduces the open rate but may also lead consumers to unsubscribe or even blacklist you.