Summary of External Link Optimization Methods

What is an external link?

An external link is the blood of the Internet, it is a type of link. Without links, information is isolated, resulting in us not being able to see anything. Within a website, many web pages need to be interconnected to form a complete information site. This is because a single web page cannot contain all the information, so it needs to be divided into a main page and various subpages; on the other hand, it is difficult for a website to be all-encompassing, so it needs to link to other websites to absorb additional information that other websites can provide. The quality, not quantity, of external links matters.

How to determine if a website is suitable for external links?

1. Check the website's robots.txt file to see if the published page sections are blocked by search engine crawlers using the disallow tag in the robots.txt file.

2. Check if the website has converted dynamic pages into static pages. Although search engines can index dynamic pages, the index rate for static pages is higher.

3. Check if the links are redirection links. If the links are redirection links, search engines cannot identify the links behind the redirection, making them ineffective.

4. Is the link JS. Search engines such as Baidu cannot recognize links in JS code, so such links are useless for external links.

5. The website uses nofollow tags. Nofollow tags block the transmission of weight, but have no impact on anchor text.

External link methods and strategies

The number of external links is not the more the better, the key is quality. How to increase external links is very important for a website, it can increase the weight of the website, get good rankings, and bring traffic.

1. Do reciprocal links, one-way links are more effective. Others' websites link to you without you linking back.

2. Publish high-quality advertorials on major websites, which will be recognized and reposted by numerous websites, obtaining many good external links, but pay attention to avoiding SEO pollution.

3. Look for websites ranking on the first page of Google and Baidu for your website theme, and contact these websites to exchange links.

4. When posting on forums, put your website address and keywords in the signature link, advertise appropriately on Baidu Tieba and Baidu Zhidao.

5. Comment on blogs related to the blog theme, many blogs support comments with links. Be sure to avoid commenting on blogs with nofollow tags.

6. Create free website templates for others to use, leaving copyright information at the bottom.

7. Look for open directories to increase external links.

How to publish high-quality external links?

1. Quality over quantity

When building external links, quality is more important than quantity. No matter how many low-quality external links there are, they cannot match the effect of a high-quality external link. Do not pursue the quantity of external links, but focus on quality. Otherwise, it will only be counterproductive. Avoid using software to spam junk external links, as this may have short-term benefits, but in the long run, it may lead to the site being demoted.

2. The greater the difficulty, the higher the value

The harder it is to obtain external links, the better the effect usually. When contacting high-authority websites, it may be necessary to communicate multiple times. Do not give up because of the first rejection. Only after establishing a certain level of interaction and trust can valuable external links be obtained. Patience is the key to obtaining high-quality external links.

3. Content is fundamental

High-quality content can attract high-quality backlinks because excellent articles are easy to be reprinted. Providing value to users of other websites, the quality of content determines the quality of backlinks. Without high-quality content, backlinks are likely to be only for exchange or purchase, resulting in limited effects.

4. Relevance of Content

When looking for external links, the relevance of content is an important consideration. The value of backlinks from related content is higher than from unrelated content. The quality of backlinks between websites in the same industry is higher, and the effects are more significant. Visiting each other, leaving comments, and supporting each other to become active participants in the industry are key.

5. Diversity of Backlinks

Building backlinks should be a natural and random process from a wide range of sources. The diversity of backlinks is crucial; they should not all be high PR value pages or just link to the homepage. Using a variety of anchor text helps emphasize key points.

6. Deep Linking

Deep linking not only makes backlinks more natural but also helps improve the ranking and weight of internal pages. The relationship between the PR values of the homepage and top-level category pages should be maintained, and only when each page has external links can the ranking ability and weight of the page be enhanced.

7, Steadily Increase

The increase of external links should be steady and orderly, do not be hasty. Especially for new sites, suddenly increasing a large number of external links may be considered cheating by search engines. Develop a plan, clarify goals, steadily increase external links, continue this process to achieve good results.