Brand Standalone Website vs. Platform Model Comparison

The Difference between Independent Website and Platform

An independent website refers to an official website with sales functions built by a brand, while a platform refers to e-commerce platforms like Taobao and JD. Compared to platforms, independent websites focus more on brand building, while platforms focus more on product sales. Purchasing on independent websites often results from brand loyalty, whereas on platforms, purchases are more targeted towards specific products.

Advantages of Independent Website

The operating costs of independent websites decrease over time, while platform costs gradually increase. In addition, independent websites can operate and promote more flexibly, while platform marketing is subject to platform regulations and restrictions. Purchasing user data on independent websites can help brands with remarketing and increase user stickiness.

Website Construction Process and Strategies

When building an independent website, traffic needs to be attracted through channels such as SEO, SEM, EDM, and social media. Independent websites can engage in remarketing to retain users and increase conversion rates. The advantages of creating independent websites include brand building, breaking free from platform constraints, and achieving data autonomy, which is the future development trend of cross-border e-commerce.