How to Optimize Standalone Websites in a Network to Increase Shopping Conversion Rate?

Station Group Play Strategy

In recent years, many sellers have turned to independent websites to carry out e-commerce business in order to escape the competition of e-commerce platforms. Not only that, there are various types of independent websites such as 'boutique independent websites', 'special goods house brand independent websites' and 'station group independent websites'.

Among them, 'station group', also known as 'store group', is a model based on saas website building tools to quickly and batchly build multiple independent websites in a short period of time. Each website focuses on selling specific categories or multi-category products, similar to the 'stocking mode play' of e-commerce platforms.

In the station group model, by utilizing Google, Facebook and other advertising channels to simultaneously advertise, test products, and promote potential products. Each product has a budget for testing advertising effects. If a product's advertising effect is poor, it is quickly replaced by another product, continuously testing to find products with better ROI, and then increasing the budget for advertising. This is summarized as 'short, flat, fast'.

Three stages of operation of station group mode

1. Initial Website Construction: including uploading products, decorating stores, adding payment methods, setting up logistics, refund policy terms, and basic settings.

2. On-site optimization period: including product discount activities, limited-time promotions, shipping settings, and other detailed optimizations.

3. Operation launch period: including access speed, order testing, and official online operation.

How to optimize independent sites in the site group to improve shopping conversion rate?

For sellers using saas site-building systems to build independent sites, the main improvement of the website lies in the optimization of landing pages. When testing a category, by investing a certain budget and making several adjustments to the target audience or landing pages within 2-4 weeks, if the ROI still does not meet the expected results, it is recommended to decisively abandon. Not all products can bring benefits, so avoid wasting time on website features.

投手, advertising delivery strategy, target audience, conversion

1. The observation period for new site group products usually takes 2-3 weeks, with 4-5 adjustments.

2. For sellers with mature site groups, the product opportunities are limited, the observation period is about 1 week, and the number of adjustments is between 2-4 times. If it is not ideal, it should be changed quickly.

3. The success rate of test products is about 10%, when encountering products with a higher conversion rate, consider increasing the budget to drive more orders into the peak order stage.

Landing page optimization

Try to directly guide the landing page link to the product details page to shorten the shopping process, reduce the number of clicks by users after reaching the landing page, thereby reducing the bounce rate.

How can the landing page optimize details through the shopoem background plugin?

1. Template selection: Merchants using the shopoem station group for building websites can customize the homepage modules, highlight scenario shopping, large image display, and various activities to enhance user experience.

2. Loqate address autofill: Verify address authenticity and automatically search for approximate matching address information based on the input address information to avoid after-sales disputes.

3. Automatic translation and currency localization: Switch languages and currencies with one click to enhance consumer trust.

4. Content optimization: Refine selling points, focus on key sales and scenario descriptions, including product selling points and guarantee content.

5. Activity optimization: Prioritize full reduction discounts, then increase sales volume through bundled combinations and limited-time promotions.

6. One-click ordering (PayPal): Use the one-click purchase feature of PayPal business account to improve transaction efficiency.

7. Checkout process: Wake up the abandoned shopping cart, set time reminders for customers, and reduce shopping cart losses.