Website Construction Key Points

Domain Registration

The most important aspect of website construction is the domain name, server, and the account credentials for the website backend. The domain name is the website's access address, such as, and needs to be registered with a domain service provider. There are many domain service providers available both domestically and internationally, so choosing the right provider is crucial.

For overseas independent websites, it is recommended to register a domain name abroad to avoid the complex process of domestic record filing. Domain registration information must be in one's own hands to ensure control.

Domain Selection Considerations

When choosing a domain name, it is best to choose a short and easy-to-remember name to facilitate visitor memorization and direct access. The domain name should ideally contain core product keywords, avoid the use of hyphens, and selecting a .com domain name provides greater recognition in the global market.

For niche markets, it is advisable to register local market domain names, such as .de (Germany) and .ru (Russia). Localized domain names can enhance visitor impression and Google search rankings.

Server Purchase

The server is where website content and data are stored. For overseas independent websites, it is recommended to register an overseas server to avoid potential issues with domestic cloud servers. Choose the server registration country based on the market, and consider using CDN cloud acceleration for countries with more restrictions.

Different types of servers vary in resource allocation and pricing. Shared hosting is suitable for beginners, virtual hosting is suitable for small to medium-sized websites and enterprises, server hosting is suitable for large websites and enterprises, but it may be costly for individuals running independent websites.

Website backend account password

The website backend account password is important information for logging into the website backend for website management. It should be securely stored and not disclosed. The account password can be modified within the server, and limited editing permissions can be granted to others through sub-accounts.

Lastly, it is recommended for novice independent website owners to purchase their own domain names and servers, ensuring control over their websites and avoiding handing over key website information to website building companies or agents to ensure website security.