The Work Principles and Essential Tools of Search Engine Optimization

Composition of Search Engines

Search engines are roughly divided into four parts, including engine spider crawlers, data analysis systems, data indexing systems, and query systems.

Working Principle of Search Engines

The working principle of search engines is briefly summarized as follows: spiders discover links, crawl web pages based on crawling strategies, hand them over to the analysis system for page analysis, and build an index library.

Spider Crawling Strategy

1. Depth-first: Crawl web pages layer by layer deepening along the links.

2. Breadth-first: Crawl all links on the entire page first.

3. Weight Priority: Combines depth-first and breadth-first, crawling based on link weight.

SEO Optimization Tools

Using SEO tools can improve work efficiency, with tools like Aizhan and Webmaster providing functions such as Baidu weight detection and friend link detection.

Website Security Tools

Security Alliance, 360 Website Security Check, etc., can provide website vulnerability detection, webpage Trojan horse detection, and other security services.

Free DNS Platform

DnsPod, Webluker, etc., provide high-quality DNS resolution and CDN services to improve website resolution speed and security.

Website Speed Testing Tools

Tools such as AliTester, KakaNet, etc., can test website speed and provide optimization suggestions to help improve user experience.