Independent Station: The New Trend of Cross-border E-commerce

Emphasis on the importance of independent stations

This year, the unique importance of independent stations is once again attracting attention due to the special epidemic situation. More and more people are realizing the importance of independent stations. Sellers with long-term vision will sell on both platforms and independent stations to achieve multi-channel sales. Compared to operating on platforms, independent stations have more advantages, such as avoiding competition, increasing product profits, being free from rule restrictions, accumulating old customers, and forming their own traffic pools. However, independent stations also have a disadvantage, which is the lack of organic traffic.

Necessity of operating independent stations

In the era of cross-border e-commerce, no one wants to put all their eggs in one basket. Platforms have already formed capitalization and team barriers, and sellers without capital usually become cannon fodder when entering. The competition is fierce, whether on large platforms or small ones. Therefore, in order to achieve success, one must have a certain level of strength.

Is it suitable for beginners to operate independent stations

For beginners, whether it is suitable to have an independent website depends on individual circumstances, there is no absolute answer. Some sellers who have no experience with third-party platforms have chosen the right products and independent website model, and achieved success in just one or two years. The profits they earn are no less than sellers on third-party platforms, and they can even get rich quickly. This shows that sometimes circles and perceptions can limit people's imagination. What's important is to develop the right sales plan, rather than acting blindly.