Advantages of Having an Independent Website

Freedom of Management

Many sellers choose to rely on large platforms. Although they can gain a certain amount of traffic and trust, in reality sellers are restricted by third-party platforms. They need to spend a lot of money to purchase product traffic. Independent websites can truly achieve freedom of management without interference from third-party platforms.

Grasp Data

On independent websites, all data belongs completely to the enterprise. The enterprise can ensure data security and value-added, and carry out secondary development of data to explore greater value of the data. In comparison, third-party platforms only open a part of the data, and many core user data is not open to sellers.

Cost Reduction

Through independent websites, sellers can reduce transaction commission costs and reduce payment of transaction commissions or annual fees to third-party platforms. At the same time, the service fees on the payment end are relatively low, avoiding malicious price competition, which is beneficial to the interests of manufacturers. Inquiries on independent websites are precise and one-to-one, and do not lead to vicious price competition.

Brand Accumulation

Independent station can bring a strong brand sedimentation effect. Through independent domain or APP, it can accumulate enterprise brand, enhance consumer trust in products, and empower the brand. Independent station is beneficial for maintaining customer loyalty, building its own brand benefits, improving product pricing, and has a positive effect on the long-term development of products.