Experience Sharing on Cross-border E-commerce Website Building

Low difficulty in building a website, but more restricted

If you choose to build a website on Shopify, the difficulty in building the site is relatively low. However, the Shopify platform has more restrictions, as store data is stored on its servers, which carries the risk of store closure. Nevertheless, the website building process is relatively simple.

Focus on product selection

Before building a website, spending a lot of time on product selection is very important. Choosing high-quality products is crucial, and proper product selection can improve the speed of orders and ROI when advertising. Avoid selecting products in oversaturated markets, delve into researching niche categories, and find high-profit products.

Advantages of an independent site

The advantages of an independent site lie in the ability to establish rules independently, including return and exchange policies and delivery times, among others. Compared to the Amazon platform, it is not entirely subject to buyers, making it less susceptible to complaints or store closures.

Select a niche track

Currently, cross-border e-commerce belongs to a heavy asset business model, and Amazon's review process is becoming increasingly stringent. It is recommended to choose a segmented market entry strategy, instead of blindly pursuing large-scale sales, as the profits are low and it may only be a superficial show for investors to go public.

Learn from foreign models

Do not overly focus on large-scale sales, you can learn from the experience of foreign independent websites, focus on 1-2 products, build your own brand, and gradually upgrade products and services. The team size does not need to be large, 1-2 people or even 3 people are enough, and the annual income can be quite substantial. Therefore, we should learn from the foreign business model to avoid the overly intense competition in the domestic market.