City Station Group System SEO Optimization Implementation Guide

1. Design website template

Design a website template that complies with search engine indexing rules based on business and product types. Customized design is recommended to ensure that the website structure meets standards and industry characteristics, which will help with conversion effects in the future.

2. Select a website network system

Choose a website network system that can create city substations. Selectively open some city substations as needed without opening all of them.

3. Optimize internal links

Ensure mutual connection and related calls between the main station and various city substations to increase the chances of website content being indexed by search engines. The amount of indexing directly affects keyword rankings.

4. Diversify website articles

Avoid having identical content in all city substations' articles. It is necessary to ensure the differentiation of the content in each substation's articles to prevent homogenized content from reducing search engine indexing and rankings. It is recommended to do pseudo-original or original content.

5. AI intelligent article generation system

To solve the problems of high operating costs and excessive time and energy consumption, consider using an AI intelligent original article generation and publishing system, to automatically generate original articles, publish high-quality articles on schedule, randomly publish to various city sub-sites, and automatically add keywords anchored text links and image alt tags, and call related articles through Tag labels.

By following the above steps, after completing the content of the website, use batch SEO optimization rules to complete the keyword SEO deployment of the homepage and inner pages, carry out spider operations, customize and update external links or friend links, basically requiring minimal changes to the website internally. Adjustments can be made according to content inclusion and traffic volume.