Cross-border e-commerce seller drainage strategy

How to solve the problem of attracting traffic, search engines prescribe the right remedy

The core operation links of cross-border e-commerce sellers include product quality, traffic attraction, and after-sales service, with traffic attraction being a key link. Only by attracting traffic and improving conversion rates can the seller's product quality and after-sales service truly demonstrate their value.

To solve the problem of traffic attraction, search engines are the most cost-effective choice among off-site traffic attraction channels. As the world's second largest search engine, Bing provides search services in 36 countries and regions globally and leads the market share. For cross-border e-commerce sellers, choosing Bing as an off-site traffic attraction channel is a good choice.

Four major trends tell you: the strategic value of off-site traffic attraction

Search engine off-site traffic attraction has four main values: firstly, it can help companies establish brand image and increase visibility; secondly, it can understand market conditions before consumption occurs and attract customer attention; moreover, search engines can effectively facilitate conversion and completion of transactions; lastly, as a promotional tool, search engines maximize customer promotional effects.

Consumers will obtain the most needed information through search engines during the shopping process, including channels for purchasing products, price comparison, and promotional information. Using search engines for external site traffic will bring unlimited business opportunities to merchants.

Open up the 'Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel' of independent sites: If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools.

External site traffic is a huge gold mine, but mining the gold mine requires a certain cost investment, such as recruiting miners, purchasing tools, transportation, etc. Many cross-border e-commerce sellers do not overlook external site traffic, but are concerned about the high time and cost investment. However, the key to good external traffic flow is to achieve maximum profit with the lowest investment, maximizing benefits.

Therefore, choosing independent sites as an external site traffic channel is one of the main choices for sellers. Introducing precise traffic through independent sites can increase conversion rates. Independent site operations are flexible and marketing can be done according to actual circumstances, achieving more with less effort.